Paintings / Drawings
When I sit at my easel, mix colors and put my brush to canvas, I escape to another realm - or so it feels.
I work almost exclusively from my own photographs, because I feel that I can most effectively capture my intent from the vision I captured myself.
I don't produce a lot of paintings (I am a slow painter), so I sell very few originals, but I do on occasion sell prints of my work.
Sir Red Tail ~ Red Tailed Hawk Acrylic on Canvas
Raven Steals the Sun. Acrylic on canvas.
Timberdoodle ~ American Woodcock Acrylic on Board
For Charlie. Common Loon. Acrylic on Canvas
Lazy Day. Brown Bear. Acrylic on Wood Panel (Cabinet Door)
Evening Eyes ~ Great Horned Owl. Watercolor Drawing on Cotton Rag
Listening ~ Red Fox. Acrylic on Canvas
Saw-whet Owl. Watercolor Drawing on Cotton Rag.
Weaver's Child, Acrylic on Canvas
Bluebird of Happiness Acrylic on Canvas
Funny Face ~ Snowy Owl Acrylic on Canvas
part of my Art a Day Challenge for 2017. this is 8/365 pencil and watercolor tint.
Shining Knight of the Sky ~ Tree Swallow Acrylic on Canvas
Saw-Whet Owl Study, Graphite Pencil on paper
Soft Eyed Doe ~ White Tailed Deer Watercolor Drawing on Watercolor Paper
Lakeside Watercolor
Part of my Art A Day Challenge of 2017. This is 9/365. Graphite.
Yearling Spirit. Acrylic on Canvas.
In for a Landing ~ Osprey. Acrylic on Canvas
Who Are You Looking At? ~ Great Horned Owl Graphite Pencil on Bristol Board
Freedom ~ American Bald Eagle Acrylic on Canvas